Friday, November 2, 2012

Packing Lunch

I have had a few people ask me "how difficult is packing that many school lunches each day"? Or, "what do you send that is peanut-free?" (for the record, NONE of MY kids have allergies, it is a no peanut class/school). So here is what I pack most  weeks. Ace and Boomer have microwaves in their classrooms. Tank does not so he gets a variation of this.

Balsamic and ParmesanSalad with Turkey Chili(homemade)

Tuesday: Tacos with Guacamole packs

 Wednesday: Broccoli and Cheese soup with french bread pieces

 Thursday: Hamburger pockets with Cheese
Hot dogs

 Tank: Monday and Tues Lunch(cold)-Sandwiches other days

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wordless Wednesday-Halloween Edition

Halloween 2009 (Ace -7 Boomer-4 Tank-2 and Little Man-8 months)

 Today 2012 (Ace 10, Boomer-7 Tank-5 and Little Man-3)