Friday, November 16, 2012

Hair, Hair and more Hair

 It became very evident that I would have to learn to do Boomer's hair on my own quickly. She had a beautiful FULL head of hair the day she came "home". I have watched hundreds of YouTube videos on maintaining, trimming, moisturizing, parting,combing and styling. I have looked through millions of hair style videos. Being a "peach" mama to a gorgeous "brown" diva requires a full time job in maintaining. I have been asked a few times lately "who does her hair?" I am now proud to say "I DO"!!! Boomer needs to learn to wash and brush and braid and moisturize from her mom not a hair dresser. It is a bond that mother's get to share with their daughters while doing their hair and I am not going to let anyone else take that from me!! Here is a hair journey from early on til today!! Enjoy......

 Even immediately after giving birth to 'Tank" she and I did her hair right there in my hospital bed!!