Friday, January 21, 2011

The Fever.....

           Oh boy for the past four weeks (ever since enrolling all three older kids in gymnastics) the cartwheel/tumbling fever has been widespread! All three love to do cartwheels and tumbling tricks throughout my house! However, my little perfectionist aka Tank is OBSESSED!!! He does like maybe 30-50 a day! He insists that I "WATCH" every single one of them!!!! However, .for only being three he has fairly great form and has a serious drive to be the best of the kids in our house and in his class. He practices during TV time, on the way to the table for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To the potty and the bathtub. To get in and out of bed he insists that he must do a "PERFECT" one. Ace thinks that he can do better and refuses to be upstaged by his Lil brother so he is doing them anytime while he is on the way in the door from school!! I have insisted that they only do flips and bar type work ONLY in their gymnastics classes as they all think our  house is some gym or something! (FYI-for all those that will wonder, yes I am supervising the vast majority of their antics)  ( I have insisted that I must OK their crazy improvising of a gymnastics gym) this is what I HAVE seen to date....cartwheels in the family/living room/bathroom/ bedrooms and in the  playroom and over my Wii fit pad, handstands(everywhere), straddle presses on the coffee tables , bridges, pike  positions and tuck positions, donkey kicks(holding on the BOTTOM stair and bottom railings of the bunk beds ,forward and backward somersaults,hanging upside down and them flipping over off the couch, stairs,coffee tables, the hearth,art table,  and kid CHAIRS.....and the list goes on.  Boomer doesn't like it that her brothers have little more athletic skills in this area and it drives her into serious competitiveness!She practices mostly in her room with the door shut so they won't "see her moves"!(she is getting good as well)  They have had this FEVER and no amount of distraction has done the trick! Even the promise to take them to a movie with treats didn't even tempt them to want to leave the fever ridden house of tumbling!!!!! What is one to do?? I took Tank and Boomer (and Baby Q )to a play land (aka BK) and they were "bored of this boring place" asked "why" and they explained that there "wasn't room for tumbling!" LOL!!. I was hoping that the "newness"would wear off but not thus far!!!! I am amazed at their drive and their skills so far and can't wait to see what skills they will master as I continue to watch  all of my pre-Olympians!!!  Here are some pictures of the little tumblers!!!

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