Monday, September 3, 2012

The Night Before School......

The Night Before School
'Twas the night before school started!
'Twas the night before school started
When all through the town
The parents were cheering.
It was a riotous sound.
By eight the kids were washed
And tucked into bed
When memories of homework
Filled them with dread
New pencils, new folders,
New notebooks, too,
New teachers, new friends-
Their anxiety grew.
The parents just giggled
When they learned of this fright
And shouted, "Upstairs!

Author Unknown

This year:
Little Man- 3 yr old Preschool

It is always bitter sweet for me on the Eve of a fresh new school year. This year even more so as the kids all start a new school and my baby Tank goes to Kindergarten. When he was born I thought Kindergarten looked so ,so ,so far away and now it's here. He is more ready than I. As Daddy reads him his bedtime story, I can hear Z holding back tears as he reads "The Giving Tree". It seems Daddy isn't as ready either!!!! Tank looked over and said, "I think your nose is stuffy". How that melts my heart. I will let go....and then will cry  like a baby in the car like I did for Ace and Boomer's first day of Kindergarten too!!

Ace is anxious and a bit unsure. He is also happy to be at a school where he has some friends. Boomer's twin friends are in her new class plus a friend she made at VBS this summer. She is beyond excited and asked to go to bed early. She can't wait to go and said summer was too long! Tank is nervous and hopes to find a friend. I know he will do great!! Let's hope he doesn't cry or I might lose it!!! Here's to a great year!!

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