My first blog entry...enjoy the drama (my life stories)...........
Oh, for those of you with kids you know how crazy multi-tasking can be! With four kids under 8 something is ALWAYS going on. Usually, I can tame the destruction and mayhem that continues to push all my buttons,.....but not yesterday.
While making dinner, little Q (21 months) found my loose change and decided to deposit them into my heating/cooling vent. As I was cutting the veggies for the salad I yelled"Q, No... NO.. I said NO-NO" He began to do it faster. CHING CHING CHING! I walked over to see him and he gave me the biggest smile he could muster.... I couldn't even get mad. I brought Quinn over to "play" with my Tupperware so I could continue to cook and realized that I heard water running upstairs. NEVER a good sound when you have a three year old.
Tank(3 1/2) was bathing his cars in my sink with mouthwash.... ( begin to hear more CHING CHING downstairs.)..Q NO NO! As I call Q upstairs and drain the sink of soapy mouthwash and matchbox cars I hear the buzzer on the dryer ding. Oh man, I had forgotten to take out all the jeans and uniforms to finish drying on their own (thinking only the worst shrunken laundry mistake). I look in the hallway to find Ace,8 naked (was suppose to be getting in his swim suit for swim team practice) playing his little harmonica.. what a sight! With three accounted for I realize that Boomer (5) is being silent.. that usually means that she is into something. Covered in mouthwash, holding matchbox cars and the empty bottle I open Boomers's door to find...................... she's coloring... with my eyeliner in her diary. OMG!!! Can anyone give me a break???? I then re-remember the laundry buzzer as it beeps again!
I decided to bring all the kids to the kitchen for some Tupperware playing and realize that I had never finished the salad or added the pasta to the rapidly boiling water..... I lost it..the ugly cry came out and the kids were shocked! My little Q came to give me a "tap-tap" aka a hug and then Tank\ said "mommy take a two three...all better" I half smiled looking at my four adorable tiny concerned faces and said... "Today was not a good day for Mama... too much naughtiness and messes for me....but tomorrow I know will be better, right???" Boomer looks at me and begins to laugh... she says "You've lost it Mom.. tomorrow will be the same as today because this is our job... to drive you crazy!!!" Love her! I guess she's right!! Tomorrow I will tackle that little demo team with a bit of humor and realize that this too will be a story to tell them when they have kids.
I can say that to anyone who thinks that being a at-home-mom gets to watch TV, eat bon-bons (FYI-never even seen one, let alone eat one) and nap...must be insane and has never done it! It is alot harder than it looks. Multi-tasking use to be a strong suit for me. Since we've added kids... I can say I am now not one... because who knows what they have in store for me tomorrow!!! ;)
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